Facilitating individuals and families in a process of discovery, healing and transformation so that they can move forward and build the thriving relationships they long for

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.” -Peter Levine

Hello friend, I’m so glad you have found me! I am Amber Trejo, owner of Holding Hearts Counseling and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

My own personal journey through complex trauma and healing has grown in me a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others who are walking through similar circumstances. My own search for freedom from low self-worth, shame, anxiety and depression has encouraged me to support others on their search.

I believe in the transformational power of connection and relationship. I also believe in the integration of both somatic and psychodynamic modalities in the healing of trauma.

I know in my bones that we can heal from the wounds of our past, develop authentic attachments, and stop the cycles of trauma and abuse from being passed down to future generations. I have had the privilege of seeing this happen in myself and so many of my clients.

I would love to show you how.